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Research Projects
"In the middle lies the truth"
- Confucius
From Off The Editor's Desk...
Santa Fe Texas Type Locomotives
Oil Painting by F.R. Bob Price
The Madam Queen AT&SF #5000
Battle of the Washita
National Park Photo
Black Kettle Museum 1971; Cheyenne Oklahoma near the site of the Washita Battle
The Original Monument erected by members of the 7th Cavalry following the battle- Photo Courtesy Black Kettle Museum
Darby Rangers
I would encourge everyone to work on your family history. The Mormon's use family history research as one of the foundations of their faith; and they have collected more information than anyone else world wide. Subjects and items which I needed for 20 years were made available to me in a matter of hours and minutes. They have all the forms, the charts and the educated guidance to help you do it right....I am not a Mormon and at first I was hesitant in approaching them; but these people on the local level and in Salt Lake City are very good people and they are anxious to help you in anyway they can.
Contact your nearest Church of Latter Day Saints to begin a wonderful journey of discovery
Research Your Family history...You have any problems or questions drop me a line...