The Other-side of Midnight
by Bob Price
I did not create myself;
Nor the dawn that broke before me.
But, I have struggled to be free
from a roller coaster ride thru rising mountains and ebbing tides.
Thru hollow triumph and victory denied; and there was I.
Thrust in the midst; falling and flailing; winning and failing;
pushed by winds and waves and great expectations
not of my making or desire.
Molded by the cast and die;
hammered; and tempered by the cold and fire;
always struggling to be free; and destiny.
Only to find that some stones were long set inside;
along with walls and barriers that were always meant to be.
And the pictures changed but remained the same; only seldom seen.
I changed position; they changed a dream;
rising and falling as the waves upon the sea.
I stood tall to meet the end.
How could I have known then...
a new world would rise before me unseen
the other side of Midnight.
"The Other-side of Midnight"
copyright 1996 Bob Price
F. Robert 'Bob' Price
"The Highest Awards I have ever received
have been my few; tried and true and honest friends."
- Bob Price
National Award
First Place
National Photography Contest Winner 1996
...As seen in Trucker News
Stevens Transport Truck 2447 and Trl'r 5000
At Wison Arch Hwy 191 South of Moab Utah
Company Photo of the Year for Stevens Transport
Cash Award $250
Stevens Transport Awards
1993 - 2004
Two Year Medallion Award, Presidents Club On-Time & Safe, Senior Driver
Senior Driver Fleet, 5 year 1.carat diamond and Gold Service Award, Instructor
Journalism Awards
Texas State
Collegiate Journalism Awards
1st Place Writing, 3rd Place Magazine Illustration and 3rd Place Newspaper Illustration
Other State of Texas Awards:
3rd Place
1979 Over-all Texas College Newspaper Award
F.R. 'Bob' Price, Editor
Competition with 23 State Colleges and Universities to include the Texas Top Ten
(First and Second Place winners Tarrant County Community College East and West)
Amarillo College
"A newspaper can be forgiven for lack of wisdom.
But, never for lack of Courage"
- Gene Howe Amarillo Daily News
Outstanding Freshman Journalist 1978
Outstanding Feature Writer 1979
Outstanding Journalist 1979
Other Awards
Outstanding Newspaper Editing
(From the Amarillo Globe News 1979)
Amarillo College's 50th Anniversary 1979
Associate in Science Degree - Mass Communications
Tommy Bryant Memorial Journalism Scholarship
Investigative Journalism Scholarship
Northwestern University, Evanston Illinois
Summer Semester 1979
Motorsports in Action Randall County Reporter
The Ranger Amarillo College
Star TV Guide Magazine Brownwood Texas
Editorial Comment Amarillo Texas
Bob Price in Washington DC; right displaying a port-hole from the Battleship Maine
Associate Editor: National Vietnam Veterans Review
Editor Veterans Press Syndicate
Medina Valley Times Medina County Texas
Texas Starr Enterprise AACOG Area
Cartoonist, Illustrator, Photographer or Graphic Artist Positions
Army Times National Magazine
Correspondent David's Marauder's Quick Re-Action Platoon
The Torii Typhoon Okinawa Japan
Amarillo Speedbowl Racing News and Program
Motorsports in Action
The Randall County Reporter
Sunday Magazine
The Ranger
The J-TAC Tarellton State University
Singles Today
The Star TV Guide
Editorial Comment
Medina Valley Times
Texas Starr Enterprise
Radio Personality
FM-90 College Radio Amarillo
KY99 FM Album Rock N' Roll Tri-State Area
KZIP Country AM High Plains
Week-end Drive
KKYN Country South Plains
KXYL Country & Q-104 Rock Central Texas
Mid-Days and Music Director
KTUE Country and Western South Plains
After-noon Drive
KPMB-KKYN Top 40 Country South Plains
Morning Show and Program Director
KCNG Big Band San Antonio South Texas
Master of Ceremonies
Coleman County Fair: Bandana 1980
Jerry Jeff Walker Show 1983
Johnny Paycheck 1983
The Maines Brothers Band 1984
Lloyd David Foster 1984
Mason Dixon 1984
Group Canyon 1984
Jimmy Dean's return to Plainview 1984
Night Club Work
Texas Week-end
Club 26
Rafter J's
San Antonio:
Texas Ex's
(Bob Price right; making Bob Quinn of Mass. an Honorary Texan)
Mobile Disc Jockey Work
Texas Sound Experience
With Bryan Kent Patterson
Public Relations Positions
Non-Commissioned Officers Association
Torii Bikers
Okinawa Formula Sprint Kart Club
Hanson Post 54 The American Legion
AC Veterans Fraternity Delta House
Top-O-Texas Vietnam Veterans
Other Positions
District Adjutant of the 54th District of the American Legion
Co-Founder Midnight Streakers
National CB Radio Club
Member: Veterans of Foreign Wars
US Army
Badge Awards
Wheeled Vehicles to 5 1/2 Tons
Winner Patch and Plaque Design
USASAFS Sobe Okinawa
Graduate Clerical Communications School
Fort Ord California
Commendations US Army Security Agency
Top Secret Security Clearance
Torii Station Riot Control and Quick Re-Action Force
ASA Company B Football Team FS Sobe Okinawa
Army Commendation Medal
Good Conduct Medal
National Defense Service Medal
US Army (Job Skills)
PMOS's: 71B Clerk, 72L Administration Specialist, 71Q Journalist
Secondary Job Skill MOS: 81E Illustrator
Additional MOS: 84B Photographer
Graduate Army Truck Driving School
Fort Huachuca Arizona
Citation for Service During the Cold War Period 1974 - 81
(ACM Pending 1974 - 77)
Honorable Discharge Regular Army and In-Active Reserves
Print Shop Work
Tombstone Epitaph-Plate Maker
Tombstone Arizona
Tombstone Printers-Printers Devil
Miller National Printers-Plate Maker
Price Graphic Arts Amarillo Texas-Graphic Artist
Bob Price Art Show
Black-Kettle Museum Cheyenne Oklahoma
Bob Price shown here with the museum staff after a long
hot day of celebration at the Old Settler's Re-Union; some
of Bob's paintings can be seen in the upper left of this photo.
Public School Awards
Tascosa High School
Home of the
Tascosa Rebels
A High School Dedicated to Personal Honor and Community Service
Following the best traditions of Honorable Men and Women of the Old South regardless of color;
Building Honor, Loyalty, Service and Dedication to Personal Principals
as exemplified in the character of Robert E. Lee
1969 thru 1972
School Fight Song: Dixie...Mascot: Gen'rl Lee
Three Years Naval Reserve Officers' Training Corp (NJROTC)
NJROTC Boot Camp Naval Training Center San Diego California 1971
Petty Officer 2nd Class 1971
Boot Camp San Diego California 1972
Deck Gun Orientation Destroyer Escort USS Bauer San Diego California
Color Guard 1969 - 1972
Promoted to Ensign; 2nd Lieutenant 1971
Commander of the Colors 1971-72
Field Piece Commander (Cannon) 1972
(Ensign F.R. 'Bob' Price left; in Command of the Rebel Field Piece)
Communications and Public Relations Officer for The Commanders Staff 1971-72
NJROTC Boarding Submarine USS Perch
The Perch saw action in WWII, Korea & Vietnam
National Rifle Association
National and State Organizations
City Council President
Future Homemakers of America
(First Male City Council President of FHA in America)
"...The Home is the central figure of everything. A better understanding of the problems
of a home leads to a better understanding of the world's problems. Maybe someday; through
a joint effort of each and everyone of us; we'll strengthen the home and make
a better life for ourselves and our children." - Bob Price, Teen Times Magazine 1972
( Photo from Teen Times 1972)
Creed of FHA
We are the Future Homemakers of America.
We Face the future with warm Courage and High Hopes
For we have the clear consciousness of seeking old and precious values
We are the builders of America's Homes
Homes for America's Future
Homes where living will be the expression of everything that is good and fair
Homes where truth and love and security and faith will be realities, not dreams.
We are the Future Homemakers of America
We face the future with warm Courage and high hopes.
Other Organizations
Jury Foreman Teen Jury Sponsored by the Texas Youth Conference
1970 thru 1972
Assistant Scout Master Troop 54 Amarillo Texas
High-Siders' Hot Rod Club
Sea Explorers Ship 54
Boy Scouts of America 1967-1972
Highest Rank: First Mate
Amarillo Speed Skating Roller-Skating Team
Roller Hockey Team
Cub Scouts
Gray 'Y' YMCA
Lawndale Longhorn Football Team
Longhorn Basketball Team
Ridgecrest Blue Devil's Football Team
Positions: Short-Stop, First Base, Third Base and Center Field
1963 Highest Team Batting Average Award,
Team member for 3 Consecutive City League Championships
and 2 year recipiants of the Outsanding Sportsmanship Award
1961 Lawndale Ticks
1962 - Lawndale Eagles
1963 - Ridgecrest Pigeons
1961 Lawndale Ticks
1963 - Ridgecrest Pigeons
Hero's were not hard to come by in the 1960's...Mickey Mantel Rawlins Baseball Glove ad
and Bart Starr ad from Goodyear Tires circa 1966; ads from Weekly Reader's Science World.
* * *
Dedication to my father:
"Anyone can win; but not everyone can win
and display Sportsmanship while doing it." - Coach J.M. Price
John Price was a member of the Indian Head Division Ft. Francis E. Warren Wyoming
Chief Engineer for the BL&E, League Championship Coach,
Member of the Masonic Lodge and Veterans of Foreign Wars
He retired from the Santa Fe Railway as an Engineer after 37 years of road service
Award Winning Three Time League Championship Coach:
Two Time Outstanding Sportmanship Team Coach
J. M. Price
(1916 - 1999)
Tascosa Lodge 32nd Degree Mason
This page dedicated to my Grand-Dad Bob Cunningham and to my Uncle Houston Price
who both taught me how to dream and see things beyond myself; and gave me hope for a better tomorrow.