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Thumb-Nail Sketches
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Line Art by Bob Price

Here for your enjoyment is a small collection of my 'thumb-nail sketches'.

This is only a small part of the work  performed; most of the sketches were given away
some of them were drawn for specific people.

My aquaintences were true Cowboys; and their families  were ranch families who at times would
come to town with their horses in the trailer outside; and they would stack their spurs on the tables
and 'let the badger loose...' in the Nite Clubs I worked in Amarillo, Lubbock, and San Antonio; noted western Honky Tonks with 'real cowboys' was Rafter J's and Texas Ex's.  There is still a 'wild-side' to the West...and there are still bears, stage coaches, and old cowboys...if you look hard enough!

Enjoy, Bob Price

Study for later Oil Painting
Projected Lordsburg to Willcox Az Painting
(ball-point; on card stock)

Thinkin' About Strikin'
Study for later oil painting
Adopting the F7 Locomotive and historical documentation
of the mood at Texas Southern before bankruptcy
(pencil; on bond)

Vision Dancer-Charcoal
from those late nite dreams...
14"x17" Art Stock

Trapper in the Snow
after coming back to the US from Canada
(ball-point; On Bond)

Hot cup of coffee...before I have to go back down there...
Mood drawing...
(felt-tip; on Card Stock)

1881 Colorado
Study for later graphic production
for Collage, Poster, or Shadow Box
(ball-point; back of a napkin)

Study in Still Life
An opportunity too good to pass up...
(ball-point; index card)

The Mule Stopped on the Way Home
Mood; some days don't go well...
(felt-tip; on Card Stock)

Cabin on the Hill
Study for Oil Painting
(felt-tip; napkin)

Texas Ranger
Inspiration from reading subject
(ball-point; on Bond Paper)

Ken Curtis as Festus
My selection of TV's projection of what a 'real' Cowboy
actually looked like. Curtis captured that Characterization
in my estimation about perfectly. This was drawn shortly
before he passed away...just in reflection and honor of
his contribution to the memory of the Cowboy.
(Pencil on bond paper)

'Daily Entertainment'
Study for later Oil Painting and series of Oils
(Ball point; On Bond Paper)

'Rest Break'
I figured that a Cowboy like this would not be above using a 'creamer' as a coffee-cup
Crockery of any kind was hard to come by in the West.
(fine-line felt; on typing paper 8x10)

The Old Timer's Tale
Study for later graphic's either in Collage, Shadow Box, or Poster
(pencil; on Bond Paper)

That 'Funny Feeling'
For Brian Patterson because of that very long night
at Lake Isabel Colorado when the bear came thru camp
while we were trying to sleep
(Pencil on 11x14 Art Stock)

Little Joe the Wrangler...
(Pencil on 11x14 Art Stock)

French Canadian Trapper
(Ball Point on Bond)

Arapahoe TePee
(Pencil on Note-book Paper)

Big Ole' Texas
(ball-point; on notebook paper)


and even more sketches